Sunday 26 January 2014

Symptoms of Diabetes

  • Here is a list of the most common diabetes Symptoms :-

  1. Frequest urination
  2. Disproprotionate thirst
  3. Intense hunger
  4. Weight gain
  5. Unusual weight loss
  6. Increased fatigue
  7. Irritability
  8. Blurred vision
  9. Cuts and bruises don't heal properly or quickly
  10. More skin infection
  11. Itchy skin
  12. Gums are red and swollen – Gums pull away from teeth
  13. Frequent gum disease / infection
  14. Sexual dysfunction among men
  15. Numbness or tingling,especially in your feet and hands

Infection :-

In Diabetes , cuts and wounds heal slowly .  Wound healing is delayed in diabetics because of neuropathy , hyperglycaemia and ischaemia. They are prone to tuberculosis and infections of theskin, urinary tract and foot. Diabetics should take special precautions and keep it clean to prevent infection of the skin and foot.

There are several key factors in the appropriate treatment of a diabetic foot ulcer :-

  • Prevention of infection
  • Taking the pressure off the area, called “off-loading”
  • Removing dead skin and tissue, called “debridement”
  • Applying medication or dressings to the ulcer
  • Managing blood glucose and other health problems

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